Bomboclaat Meaning

Posted by Ahbombo Cloth on

BOMBOCLAAT!!!!! The friend next to you shouted as he gets the exciting news that he just won a million dollars. With just one word the clear excitement was expressed; now it leaves one to wonder what does this term mean?


For many people, the word Bomboclaat is extremely vulgar, considered improper and taboo in all of its senses, like any other curse word in the Jamaican delict or around the world for that matter. Originated in Jamaica from its melting pot of cultures and dilates, this and many other expressive words were coined which we will introduce later.

Various forms of the word, primarily in its nonliteral, slang senses, have increasingly crept into casual use, not only as spontaneous expletives of shock, horror, or anger, but also as verbal tics and common intensifiers, mere indices of annoyance or impatience or even pleasant surprise


  • “Whe him deh so Bomboclaat long?” [Why is he taking that long?]
  • “Bomboclaaaaat!” with a look amazement of excitement, means “Sooo awesome”

Nevertheless, the term is best avoided altogether in “polite company.” Unless you want to be frowned upon, or they don’t know the meaning, or you are in Jamaica Mon. The Jamaican broadcast media have actually been forced by the threat of punitive fines to block audiences from hearing it, either by banning its use entirely or by bleeping all or part of the sound.

Its first usage is undocumented, but we tried our best  here! To make a comedic attempt.

 Bomboclaat remains primarily a creature of the spoken language in the Jamaican diaspora around the world, and slowly being caught on by non-Jamaican natives.

Bomboclaat is amplified by combining it with others Expressive words “Rassclaat” “Pussyclaat”, “Bloodclaat” which are normally used separately, but often times combined together for a more profound dramatic use


“Bombo-Bloodclaat” means amplified expression to the 10th power

“Bombo-pussy-rassclaat” means amplified expression to the 100th power

This and all Jamaican expressive words are used in many different situations, conversations and arguments, and has garnered attention from many other nationalities around the world. Jamaicans don’t take offense when foreigners use the word, we don’t find it as mocker, but actually very funny; but if you ever find yourself on the receiving end of this or any of the expressive words in a conversation with a Jamaican, analyze the tone of the conversation, and if it has been pleasant, you can relax, but if anger was displayed be on guard, because this might be the last word you here before tings gets ugly.

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  • This was a good read, I enjoyed it.

    Donavine on

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